Let's Begin
choose an Adventure
Choose between an adventure which is a one time play through with no preparation.
Or choose from a campaign which is made up of many
custom adventures fit to a character you create in a
world you help tell a story in. Or you can
choose from an official module which
is a campaign designed by the makers
of Dungeons and Dragons.
These one time adventures, also called “One-Shots”. These are a quick play through designed to be played in a single sitting. They is no preparation needed. You can just grab a character sheet and just begin playing. These adventures are great for beginner players or players who have little time but still want to play Dungeons & Dragons.
View the listing of adventures below
- The Order
- Dragon Hunting
- Enclave of Roots
- Cowled Wizards
- Wagah Tournament
The Order: Monster Hunters
Werewolves Beware
This is the most popular One-Shot designed for both beginner players and experienced players.
You are a group of monster slayers known as The Order sent on a mission to retrieve an item so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. You must make your way through a graveyard and crypt as each character’s stories unfold and intertwine with each other.

- Number of Players: 4 – 6
- Length: 2 – 4 Hours
- Role Playing: High
- Puzzles: High
- Lethality: Low
- Politics: Low
- Fantasy: Medium
List of Characters
- Scout – Human Monster Hunter Ranger
- Reese Gubber – Human Transmutation Wizard
- Imani The Driven – Half-Orc Oath of Vengeance Paladin
- Taylor Urirel – Human Thief Rogue
- Sam Kouhrs – Hill Dwarf War Domain Cleric
- Storm – High Elf College of Glamour Bard
Due to Covid-19 online sessions available only
Dragon Hunting
After A Strange Night
You have awaken with a horrible groggy feeling and with your head pounding. You have no clue how you made it to this camp. It is cold, and you have found yourself outside a mountain side.
You look around and you see your traveling partner and a bunch of other people you may or may not know. That is when a loud roaring sound of a dragon comes from the mountains. Oh! What did you do last night and what have you gotten yourself into?

- Number of Players: 5 – 6
- Length: 3 – 5 Hours
- Role Playing: Medium
- Puzzles: Low
- Lethality: High
- Politics: Low
- Fantasy: Medium
List of Characters
Dyrell – Half-Elf College of Lore Bard
Gerry Kostran – Human Battle Master Fighter (Archery)
Ogash The Dumb – Half-Orc Path of Ancestral Guardian Barbarian
Rowen – Human Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer
Skye – Human Thief Rogue
Tate Holman – Human Oath of Redemption Paladin
Due to Covid-19 online sessions available only
Enclave of Roots: Two Sides
Polar Opposites Collide

- Number of Players: 4 – 6
- Length: 2 – 4 Hours
- Role Playing: Medium
- Puzzles: Low
- Lethality: Low
- Politics: Low
- Fantasy: High
List of Characters
- Alon – Human Circle of The Land Druid
- Qielsas- Wood Elf Circle of The Moon Druid
- Falfaelor – Half-Elf Horizon Walker Ranger
- Dana Claymore – Human Oath of the Ancients Paladin
- Mobra Sur – Half-Orc Path of Ancestrial Guardian Barbarian
- Julian Clay – Human Abjuration Wizard
Cowled Wizards: The Tower
Magic Magic Everywhere
You are a group of mostly wizards who are a part of a secret order tasked to protect the land from arcane magic users who abuse their power.
Your characters selfish goals unfold as you make way to save something important from being destroyed as the tower crumbles from an explosion.

- Number of Players: 4 – 6
- Length: 2 – 4 Hours
- Role Playing: High
- Puzzles: High
- Lethality: High
- Politics: Low
- Fantasy: High
List of Characters
- Krumendi – Eladrin (Fey Elf) Bladesinger Wizard/Rogue
- Storm – High Elf College of Glamour Bard
- Blaine Castle – Human Transmutation Wizard
- Riley Beringer – Human Divination Wizard
- Julian Clary – Human Abjuration Wizard
- Max Brewer – Human Eldritch Knight Fighter
Wagah Tournament
Scavenger Hunt
You have entered a tournament to join the new adventuring group looking for more members.
You have won your part competition and invited to an dinner. You are grouped up with a new set of adventurers, given a clue and told the winner who comes back with the right item will be invited to the adventuring group.

- Number of Players: 4 – 6
- Length: 2 – 4 Hours
- Role Playing: Medium
- Puzzles: High
- Lethality: Medium
- Politics: Low
- Fantasy: Low
List of Characters
- Sam Kouhrs – Hill Dwarf War Domain Cleric
- Zen Ferlone – Human Way of Open Palm Monk
- Isrildir – High Elf Evocation Wizard
- Hailey Prince – Half Elf Inquisitive Rogue
- Daar the Bronze – Bronze Dragonborn Battle Master Fighter
- Herrin Browncoat – Human Gloomstalker Ranger
Due to Covid-19 online sessions available only
These are long term campaigns. They are perfect for an ongoing set of adventures that span over time. They are a way to have a regular Dungeons & Dragons game. They are designed for beginners or advanced players. Each campaign package comes with an hour of character development before sessions if wanted. Campaigns can require can more focus and time but are rewarded with amazing character stories that build over time.
View the listing of campaigns below
- Post War Andorin
- Andorin Rebellion
- A Hero Is Called Upon
- Edric Goodwin Cult
- Post War Northal
- Custom
Post War Andorin
World Travel Campaign
This campaign would be set after the Northal War that lead to the Independance of Andorin.
The new king of New Andorin has invited you to meet with his main advisor to take on a quest. You are to collect items importance. But first you must prove your worth.
They are depending on you to further to realm of New Andorin before the opposing force gathers the items.

- Number of Players: 3 – 6
- Length: 3 – 4 Hours
- Role Playing: High
- Tactics: Low
- Lethality: Medium
- Politics: Low
- Span: Long
- Fantasy: Low/Medium
This campaign has a lot of collection of magical items. There will be a lot of exploring and traveling. If you are big into exploration this campaign will be great for you.
Magic is low in this area of the world. For those who like high magic and fantasy you would not like this campaign. Think of it more like Game of Thrones.
There will a lot of quest and off-shoot of quests. Expect competition as well.
There is a set of clear defined goals which makes for little room for “side-quests”. You can still run off and do your own thing, but expect consequences as the world moves on.
Andorin Rebellion
A war campaign
This takes you back in time on the continent of Arisia toward the final years of the war between Essis and Northal and the rebellion of the region of Andorin.
You are some how caught up in the war, either as a soldier, mercenary or just behind the scenes. It is up to you to choose a side and see your place in this war.

- Number of Players: 3 – 6
- Length: 3 – 4 Hours
- Role Playing: Medium
- Tactics: High
- Lethality: High
- Politics: Medium/High
- Span: Long
- Fantasy: High
If you are a fan of war and large epic battles this campaign would be for you.
There will be chance to take on missions and participate in large battles. There is even a chance for stealth missions and diplomatic missions for those who enjoy that.
There are a lot of defined goals in this campaign. But your decisions decided the outcome of how things play out which can lead to new opportunities.
A Hero is Called Upon
Fantasy World Hopping

- Number of Players: 3 – 6
- Length: 3 – 4 Hours
- Role Playing: Medium
- Tactics: High
- Lethality: High
- Politics: Low
- Span: Medium
- Fantasy: High
This a campaign that will start off in a low fantasy but take you to different planes. You will be faced with a lot of high fantasy encounters as the story develops. This is fantastic for those who seek a challenge.
The campaign is designed to be very challenging. There will be at least one death.
The campaign is very goal oriented, which makes you not the hero but instead to help the hero reach their full potential. You still have full decision of where the story goes.
Edric Goodwin Cult
An evil campaign
You are brought together through the cult you belong to work on a set of missions. Usually you work alone but someone has been finding out about the plans of the cult and it is time to work together for the betterment of the organization. You will be set to gather a bunch of items, information and set some acts into motion to help the one you serve come to power.

- Number of Players: 3 – 6
- Length: 3 – 4 Hours
- Role Playing: High
- Tactics: Medium
- Lethality: Extremely High
- Politics: Medium
- Span: Long
- Fantasy: Low/Medium
Have you been wanting to play an evil campaign? Here is your chance. The means justify the end kind of mentality and your characters will have their own selfish goals that will break out into story arcs. This means you have control of how the campaign will go.
This campaign MUST have everyone’s buy into in order to play. One person not comfortable and the campaign will not happen. It can have character vs character conflict and multiple characters dying.
Post War Northal
Open World Campaign
In the shadows of war, Northal is facing low moral, lack of food, cold harsh weather.
Your life needs meaning and you have to find your way through this post war world and find where you fit.
Northal is heavy influence on Nordic lore, with cold winters and a love for combat and taking things. Expect lots of banditry and running into beasts/monsters.

- Number of Players: 3 – 6
- Length: 3 – 4 Hours
- Role Playing: High
- Tactics: High
- Lethality: High
- Politics: Medium
- Span: Long
- Fantasy: Low/Medium
If you really want to develop a character this is the campaign to do it. This will require you invest a lot of time in your character.
This campaign has very little guidance, story, or goals. It is up to you as a character create your own goals.
This has a chance for high roleplay and large character development
This campaign is for seasoned players. There is very little hand holding, requires investment into character devolopment and there will be a high death rate.
Custom Game
Your choice for your style
Do not enjoy the options given? Feel free to sit down and work out a campaign you would like to play. Want high fantasy but very little roleplay? Perhaps you want all combat and tactics all the time? Perhaps you want a campaign that ends in a couple of months. We can sit down and design the game how you want.

- Number of Players: 3 – 6
- Length: 3 – 4 Hours
- Role Playing: ???
- Tactics: ???
- Lethality: ???
- Politics: ???
- Span: ???
- Fantasy: ???
You can design the game how you want. If you want a lot of goals decided by the story you can do that. If you want goals that you define by your character that can also happen.
Let us work together on making the best game for you.
Official Modules
There are official modules brought to you by the makers of Dungeons & Dragons. They have pre-made storylines for you to follow with defined goals. This does not mean the already made story line. Feel free to contact me about more information of the official modules.