Campaign Breakdown
Monsters Among Us
Welcome to The Order
Home-brew Campaign set in the existing world of Elloria on the continent of Arisia. The Order: Monsters Among Us is set up around the guild of monster hunters, known as The Order who have found that there has been a influx of monsters on the continent. They must use their investigation skills to track down monsters and bring them down.
What to expect
Challenging classic and classic monsters
Linear story through given goals that leads to character focus storytelling with proactive story elements
This adventure walks the line between optimistic heroism and the characters’ morally ambiguous dilemmas.

Arisia Continent
Arisia is the continent that is mostly inhabited by Humans. Arisia was created after “The Breaking” nearly 320 years ago, during the war against magic. Humans rebelled and focused on using magic of the divine and forsake arcane magic. The gods of Elves and other magical creatures wanted nothing to do with the humans and broke the world apart into separate lands. Arisia is where the majority of the humans live.
Arisia Regions
The regions of Arisia are broken up to five regions and one island. Each region has its own form of government. The regions are Crimien to the North West, Legos to the South West, Essis in the Central region, Northal to the North East and New Andorin to the south. The island of Ethad sits the south of Legos and Essis.

Because of “The Breaking”, Arisia has forbidden arcane magic and only freely allow divine/nature magic. An organization called The Cowled Wizards police the magic on the continent. They imprison misusers of magic in a hidden away location. They have also gathered magic items and magic books that they deem might be dangerous.
Not all Arcane magic is banned. The Cowled Wizards have allowed certain officials and certain factions / guilds to use arcane magic without consequences. They do this by handing out imprinted badges or tattoos.
Xanadu's School
Xanadu’s School for Adventurers is the only place in Arisia where someone can learn skills to become an adventurer. The school is also the only place in Arisia where someone can learn arcane magic legally. It does give temporary badges to students learning magic from the school. It also is also one of the only places that has magical facilities.

Since the continent of Arisia does not have a large presence of arcane magic, it also does not have a large presence of magical beasts or monsters. At least that is the thought from the people of Arisia. People assume that kind of stuff exists on the other continents, but not here. There is a huge disbelief of monsters existing in Arisia.
The Order
The Order is a group of monster hunters. Originally formed in the city of Pasto, their current headquarters is in Essis City. They take on jobs where strange unnatural things happen to occur and suspicion of the act of monsters or unnatural beings. The current leader is Lillian Crowe. Most people of the continent of Arisia think that The Order are a bunch of charlatans and con artists who scam people for money to get rid of monsters that do not really exist.

Trigger Warnings
Because of the nature of themes explored in this campaign, it will explore some things that might cause triggers for some players. Here is a list of those trigger warnings:
- Animal Death
- Character Death
- Death
- Devils / Demons / Fiends
- Eating Disorders
- Paralyzation
- Racism
- Slavery
- Violence
- Blood
- Extreme Violence
- Fire
- Freezing
- Murder
- Mutilation
- Animal Death
- Character Death
- Death
- Devils / Demons / Fiends
- Eating Disorders
- Paralyzation
- Racism
- Slavery
- Violence
- Blood
- Extreme Violence
- Fire
- Freezing
- Murder
- Mutilation
It is assumed that you are okay with these trigger warnings if you are continuing with the campaign. If you find that mid way through you are not comfortable, below are some of the safety tools we will be using.

Safety TOols
Because the game may explore certain themes that might not be for everyone as the game progresses, there will be safety tools in place. Here are the tools.
X N O Card
We will be using a variation of the X card that allows someone to anonymously stop the game if you feel uncomfortable to clicking the X card symbol. The game will stop, without questions, and move on to the next scene.
Debriefing / Stars & Wishes
At the end of each session we will have a debriefing. You can tell the group of the things that you think went well and things that could change or improved.
Open Door
You will always be able to contact me through Discord, or StartPlaying of any concerns you have. This can also be used to help develop the story of your character and not just issues within the game. I do run multiple games during the week, so I will try to respond as fast as I can.

You will be a full badge carrying member of The Order, a group of monster hunters who find unnatural occurrences and investigate them. You are in the order because you have a specific set of skills they deem is useful. Think of a specific skill that you think they would find useful. This is also the reason you are starting at level 3, because you have SOME experiences. They either sought you out, or you sought them out. You live together in the headquarters of The Order in Essis City, although you may be from anywhere else. You know of each other at least, but you may actually have close connections with each other, that is up to you. Usually monster hunters of The Order roam the continent alone, and you guys are in training to do your work, with the help of Lillian Crowe, the head mistress.
Scout, a member of The Order, has asked for you to help him kill a creature he thinks is too hard for him to kill alone. He has gathered you all up to help him traverse the sewers to kill this monster that he has been tracking. You now wade through the sewers tracking down a monster under the city.

Character Creation
Character Creation will happen during Session 0. This way everyone knows who is doing what. It can also allow for players to create characters with relationships/backgrounds together. The following rules are below:
- Start at Level 3
- Roll 4d6 drop the lowest, if you do not like the results use standard array
- Due to world setting, only PHB lineages (Dragonborn, Dwarves, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human, Tiefling)
- Subclasses related to interplaner are not approved due to story reasons ( Path of Wild Magic Barbarian (Feywild), Echo Knight Fighter (Exandria / Critical Role), Psi Warrior Fighter (Astral Plane), Fey Wanderer Ranger (Feywild), Soulknife Rogue (Astral Plane), Aberrant Mind Sorcerer (Astral Plane), Clockwork Soul Sorcerer (Plane of Mechanus), Lunar Sorcery (Krin / Dragonlance), Chronogry Magic Wizard (Exandria / Critical Role), Graviturgy Magic Wizard (Exandria / Critical Role))
- If you plan on multi-classing check with me so we can add story elements to make it happen
- Other Lineages are not banned, they just require a story reason why they would fit in a human centric region.

general Game Rules
- PvP is NOT allowed and ONLY acceptable if it moves the story and both players consent to it (this includes stealing from some one or something similar)
- Be respectful to one another
- Do not request roll a check, instead role-play out what you want and if a check is required then the DM will request one.
- Have fun! Enjoy yourself and take in the stories we are telling together.