Campaign Ideas July 2023

Monsters Among Us

Home-brew Campaign set in the existing world of Elloria on the continent of Arisia. The Order: Monsters Among Us is set up around the guild of monster hunters who have found that there has been a influx of monsters on the continent and must use their investigation skills to track down monsters and bring them down.

Monster Hunting Detectives

Sandbox vs Story Driven: Driven with room for Sandbox

Fantasy Level: Low/Medium

Roleplay: Medium

Exploration: High

Politics: Some

Tactics: High

Lethality: High

Length: Long (12-18 months)

In Depth Details

Buy-in: If ever you wanted to play a detective like adventure this is for you. You would use problem solving and research to find out more about monsters that no one has ever heard or seen.

Character Creation: You will start off at level 3 and will be limited to characters races from Players Handbook. Humans are the main race of this land followed by dwarves and elves. Dwarves will face racism due to them being known as slavers. Other races are not native to the continent instead immigrate in.

All PHB classes are available (No Artificers or Bloodhunters). No subclasses from campaign specific settings (Wildemount: Echo Knight, Chronurgy Magic, Graviturgy Magic; Dragonlance: Lunar Sorcerer). Planer based subclasses are not allowed as there is no planer travel currently in the world.

Custom and third-party races/subclasses are possible if discussed before hand.

Character Stats: We will roll for stats using 4d6 drop the lowest. If you do not like your stats you can use standard array.

Stats Bonus: To encourage exploring a class you would not think of playing there is an incentive. If you take the stats that you roll in order you can start with a magical item.

Character Background: You will all be part of the same group of monsters hunters known as The Order. Find a backstory that ties to The Order. If you are not part of The Order you work for them. Also it might be best to tie your backstories to another player’s.

Spells: Spells are limited to ones up to Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. Custom spells and spells from other books are available but require questing and discussion before hand.

The Story: Reports of monsters will be showing up in different parts of the lands. You will be doing some traveling through out the regions of Essis, New Andorin, Legos and Crimea. This will also require the use of sleuthing. There will be some mechanics changed for failures and successes.

The Monsters: The monsters will be custom monsters. Expect monsters that you have never seen in D&D before. The monsters will be stronger and more tactical. This means there is more tactics and research is required to survive battles.

Adventures in Legos

A group of individual meet in Legos to form a party to help explore their individual goals. They start with little skill and grow to become powerful adventurers as the continent of Arisia unravels into dangerous happenings.

An Arisia Sandbox

Sandbox vs Story Driven: Barely Driven, very character driven (sandboxie)

Fantasy Level: Low/Medium

Roleplay: High

Exploration: High

Politics: Medium/High

Tactics: Medium

Lethality: Medium

Length: Very Long (18+ months)

In Depth Details

Buy-in: This campaign is heavily character driven. The story will revolve around your characters and their decisions. The your character will slowly get involved in what is going on in the world that is shaped by your previous decisions.

Character Creation: You will start off at level 1 and will be limited to characters races from Players Handbook. Humans are the main race of this land followed by dwarves and elves. Dwarves will face racism due to them being known as slavers. Other races are not native to the continent instead immigrate in. Because you will be starting in a port city, there is a chance, with permission and a reason, for using other races.

All PHB classes are available (No Artificers or Bloodhunters). No subclasses from campaign specific settings (Wildemount: Echo Knight, Chronurgy Magic, Graviturgy Magic; Dragonlance: Lunar Sorcerer). Planer based subclasses are not allowed as there is no planer travel currently in the world.

Custom and third-party races/subclasses are possible if discussed before hand.

Character Stats:
We will roll for stats using 4d6 drop the lowest. If you do not like your stats you can use standard array.

Stats Bonus: To encourage exploring a class you would not think of playing there is an incentive. If you take the stats that you roll in order you can start with a magical item.

Character Background: Your character can have a lot more freedom on background. They can be a local from Legos or they can be from foreign lands. They can be part of the many faction of Arisia. But know that you are just starting as an adventurer at level 1.

Spells: Spells are limited to ones up to Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. Custom spells and spells from other books are available but require questing and discussion before hand.

The Story: Welcome to the small fishing village between two major port cities in Legos. This is the place where you will start your new career as an adventurer. Get ready to explore the mercantile republic. You could get involved with the politics, be a simple worker on the docks or explore the desert wastes and beyond.